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Bond Street Languages



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    Jamie Abbott img 5

    A fantastic school with fantastic teachers. The all-day 'immersive' experience is second to none, and the best way to not only improve quickly but also keep things fun and fresh. Bond Street Languages is a great way to top up rusty language skills - I did a 5 day (36 hours) course, which worked excellently, and went back to my university research flying with fluency and confidence. Many thanks BSL, brilliant!

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    R Laing img 5

    I can not recommend BSL more!!! I completed three separate periods of French learning and can not believe the results. I started with one full week of eight hours a day, followed by four weeks of five eight hour days and then finished with three four hour sessions for six weeks. I have gone from a complete beginner to being able to hold full conversations and laugh about the most random things with mes profs, all in French!!! I was taught by Max, Mélanie and Mireille who I can honestly say are the best teachers I have ever had. They never failed to encourage me and by the end, it was more like having conversations with friends than teachers, all done whilst learning. Ana was brilliant in motivating me with my learning and was always understanding if I ever had any issues. From our initial conversations I knew BSL was a going to be great!!! Thank you!!

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    Bob Morrison img 5

    I did the forty hours immersive Spanish course over five days and it was a wonderfully enjoyable week. My three teachers were great. I have only kind words for them. They quickly established where I needed help and worked to get me past my hurdles. At the end of the course I felt that my knowledge, understanding and competence in the language had leapt forward. More importantly my confidence received a very welcome boost. It was time well spent. I’ll probably do another week with them later in the year when I can fit it into my diary. Overall, it was a very enjoyable and worthwhile experience. If you’re serious about learning a language, then I can recommend BSL to you.

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    Yulia Zhukova img 5

    Bond Street Languages is an absolutely amazing place for those who really want to learn the foreign language in an efficient and entertaining manner. In my case, when I found the school I felt totally desperate in the hope to speak French after having studied it for 6 months without any particular progress. But the course has changed the game completely! Don't listen to anyone who says that 8h is tough and you will get fed up with the language in the result - the manner how the teachers lead the language day doesn't bring you to the point when you feel tired of the language. The opposite - this is an inspiring and giving you wings to fly feeling! I will not be able to say how grateful I am to my teachers - Max and Mirelle for all their time, efforts and love to what they do (and their students!). I am endlessly happy that this school and its method crossed my way and now I CAN SPEAK!!

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    David Wright img 5

    30 hour Spanish course. The course was progressive and very comprehensive. Both teacher’s were polite, patient and excellent at explaining at my level. At the end of each lesson I was presented with homework, which was marked and discussed during the following lesson. Each lesson was videoed. Each lesson was memorialised, meaning I had a set of comprehensive notes. In addition, the teachers recorded an audio. I would recommend the 30 hour course to anyone keen to learn to speak Spanish, however, you need to devote time for homework and home learnings… Dr David Wright 31st May 2022.